Buyers Choose Battery Life Over An OS While Purchasing Phones, Says Survey |

Buyers Choose Battery Life Over An OS While Purchasing Phones, Says Survey

Strangely the number of apps never made it to the list of purchase drivers.


IDC an analytics and research company conducted a big survey asking users what attracted them most when making a cellphone purchase. About 50,000 people across 25 countries juggled between, battery life, OS, ease of use, number of apps and many such questions and prioritized the same. The results that were obtained are given below.

Surprisingly, the number of apps which most of us crib about (when selecting an OS) did not even make it to the top ten factors. Battery life is apparently what the world wants when it goes to purchase a cellphone. If you ask us, who wouldn’t? But strange part is that users actually give more priority to ‘battery life’ over ‘ease of use’ which stood second and even a smartphone’s OS; which came in third. At fourth place comes the availability of a touchscreen which again is connected to the ‘ease of use’ bit.


What the survey brings to light is that users indeed want a device that lasts long on single charge and is also easy to use. Kind of puts the iPhone on the top doesn’t it? Tell us what you think.

TAGS: Mobile Phones
