Digg Reader Launching Next Week | TechTree.com

Digg Reader Launching Next Week

The service will initially be available to around 19K users.


Digg, which recently announced its decision to build an alternative to Google's about-to-be killed RSS aggregator, will shortly roll out a beta version of the "new" Reader. The company, in a blog post states that users will get access by as early as next week.

The Digg RSS Reader launch will happen in phases, and the service will initially be available to around 19K users, who provided feedback to the company when they floated to idea. Alongside its Reader, Digg may also introduce an iPhone app next week.

As of now, we expect Digg to implement all aspects of the Google's Reader along with its own customised aggregator, so that it is easy for RSS users to port to Digg. All of Digg's Reader features will be provided to users free of cost initially, but we can expect a paid version in the future. In its blog post, the company hints at more "improvements" in future such as improved notifications and better search.

TAGS: Internet, Apps
