Download: Dredd Vs. Zombies (Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8) |

Download: Dredd Vs. Zombies (Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8)

Get ready for some intense arcade shooter gaming on your smartphone.


Dredd and Zombies might have not met in the original comic book. However, that's the theme of Rebellion's new arcade shooter. So suit up, as it's time to save the Mega-City One from a zombie attack!

Despite the inclusion of zombies, the game does lose the dark political humour that was there in the original comic series and movies. But, I guess that's a trade-off for an ESRB rating of mild. Wasting the undead is more acceptable than killing unruly goons.

The game contains Story, Arena, and PSI modes. In Story mode, you have to clear zombie infested multi-level buildings. Arena is self-explanatory, and requires you to kill as many zombies as possible to earn credits. The last mode is kind of unusual, where the PSI Division predicts future crimes that you can intercept for bonus rewards. So, once you take the challenge, you have to return to the game at a specific time, which can be hours away. Needless to say, this mode is not meant for the impatient types.

The game has a very appropriate dark look, enhanced by the superb 3D graphics. The gameplay is tailored to satiate the needs of trigger happy gamers. More importantly, I was impressed by the responsiveness of the onscreen joystick. All in all, I think it's one of the best arcade shooter available on any mobile platform.

Developer: Rebellion
Size: 25 MB
Platform: Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8.
Price: Free
Download: Android —;
Windows Phone 8

Download: Dredd Vs. Zombies (Windows Phone 8, Windows 8)

TAGS: Apps, Downloads, Windows Phone
