Adele requests Spotify to stop shuffling her songs |

Adele requests Spotify to stop shuffling her songs

Adele persuaded Spotify to remove the shuffle button off her album pages so songs play in the artist's intended order.


Spotify has stopped shuffling albums by default after a request from Adele. Previously, when viewing an album on Spotify, you’d be able to see a small shuffle icon within the larger ‘Play’ button. This meant that Spotify would start playing the album’s songs in random order.

But now if you hit ‘Play’ in Album View, songs will play in order – if you have Premium subscription. However, you can still activate shuffle mode by tapping the “Shuffle” icon when viewing an individual song.

The singer tweeted a thank-you to Spotify for making the change - “Our art tells a story and our stories should be listened to as we intended. Thank you Spotify for listening.” Spotify later replied to Adele’s tweet, saying “Anything for you,” suggesting the move was done as a favor.

Chris Macowski, the head of music communications at Spotify, had this to say: “As Adele mentioned, we are excited to share that we have begun rolling out a new Premium feature that has been long requested by both users and artists to make play the default button on all albums. For those users still wishing to shuffle an album, they can go to the Now Playing View and select the shuffle toggle.”

TAGS: Spotify
